House Competitions


Students play in outdoor house competitio

What are the Houses?

Students at Mt. SAC Early College Academy are randomly split into 4 different houses: Kappa, Gamma, Delta, and Sigma. Each house has assigned colors and at least one staff leader.

Houses, colors, and staff leaders

Kappa Gamma Delta Sigma
Yellow and Purple   Orange and Purple   Green and Purple Blue and Purple
  Ms. Banh, Mrs. Contreras, Ms. Yao, Mr. Cordero, Ms.Torres   Ms. Bell, Ms. Guevara, Ms. Emily, Dr. McDonnell     Ms. Sprague, Ms. Wilcox, Mrs. Pedroarias, Mr. Barriga, Ms. Julie  Alex, Ms. Berrong, Mr. Nichols, Ms. Price 

Within their Houses, students may compete for House points during school assemblies. Houses may also earn points for showing school spirit and for performing as exceptional students in their classes.

What is the purpose of the Houses?

Beyond allowing students to earn house points, the Houses help to foster community and school spirit among students. They also provide an additional incentive for students to work hard both in the classroom and out, all while building a school culture of teamwork and enthusiasm.

How do students earn House Points?

Students may earn points for their Houses by:

  • Maintaining good attendance
  • Maintaining good behavior and participation in classes
  • Winning games during House Competitions
  • Participating in and winning sports tournaments
  • Showing good citizenship, teamwork, and initiative outside of classes
  • Participating in spirit days

What happens during House Competitions?

House Competitions allow students to work together in their respective Houses and compete for House Points through a variety of games. House Competitions are held on specified Fridays, after 4th period and before lunch. All students have a chance to participate in House Competitions to help their team earn points!

Interested in seeing what happens during competitions?

House Competitions are documented on Mt. SAC ECA's Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter pages. To see our students having fun and engaging in these competitions, be sure to follow us @mtsaceca on all platforms!


Gamma wins


Ms. Wilcox participates in House Comps for Delta