What kinds of dances are held?
Each year, Mt. SAC ECA's ASB puts on 4 dances: a Back to School dance, Winter Formal, Spring Fling and Junior/Senior Prom.
How can students attend?
All students at Mt. SAC ECA are eligible to attend dances. They must follow this procedure to purchase a ticket:
- Obtain a dance contract
- Complete and submit a dance contract upon purchase.
- Present valid school ID with payment.
Once students have purchased their ticket, they will receive their dance ticket at a later time, which serves both as a receipt of their purchase and as a form of memorabilia. Students do not need to present this ticket at the dance to enter.
What about guests?
All students at Mt. SAC ECA are allowed to bring one guest with them to each dance. To do this, students must complete the guest form, located on the back of the provided dance contract. The Mt. SAC ECA student must provide a copy of their guest's ID with the dance contract and guest form upon purchase.
What happens on the day of the dance?
All students need to bring their school ID with them to the dance to be admitted. There will be a guest list - if students have purchased a ticket, their name will be checked off the guest list and they will be allowed into the dance. Students who have an approved guest must arrive with their guest. Their guest will not be admitted without the student who purchased their ticket.
for further details, please refer to the provided sample dance contract and guest form!
Dance contracts that can be downloaded and submitted will be updated on this page for upcoming dances.