Principal's Message

Dr McDonnell Principle of MTSAC ECA mt



Welcome to Mt. SAC Early College Academy (MECA), home of the Timberwolves! It is an immense honor to serve as MECA’s principal. Our safe and inclusive campus culture remains a hallmark feature of our school. Our dual enrollment program provides students the opportunity to jumpstart their college education by completing up to two years of college courses for free through our partnership with Mt. San Antonio College. Past graduates who have taken advantage of our course offerings have saved much time and money. 

To date, 100% of our students have graduated, 96% have completed their A-G 4-year college entrance requirements, and 97% of students go on to continue their education in either a 2- or 4-year college. This exceptional work of our students and staff was recognized by the California Department of Education with MECA being named a California Distinguished School in 2024. 

Student success in classrooms remains a priority so have continued our tutoring program. Tutoring will be available in room 6 from 2-4 pm on both Wednesdays and Thursdays, as well as 9 am -1 pm on Fridays. Our tutor is able to support both high school and college coursework. 

There is a lot to look forward to this school year beyond the classroom. Our athletics program continues to grow. We now offer flag football, basketball, soccer, and volleyball. Our Spirit Squad provides students with the opportunity to celebrate our school culture. Our competitive programs (Speech & Debate, Academic Decathlon, and E-Sports) are preparing for their competitive seasons. We celebrate all the efforts of our students and their coaches. 

I encourage every student to get involved in some activity beyond the classroom. Let’s make this the best school year yet!

In Timberwolf pride,

Dr. Ryan McDonnell